How will students make appointments? As of this morning, students can now make 1:1 appointments using our online scheduling system. This includes disciplines/courses tutored previously on a walk-in basis (ACC, CSC, ECO, MTH 151, PHY, and STS).
How will online tutoring sessions work? Tutors will hold synchronous tutoring sessions using Google Meet, which is accessible to students through their Elon email accounts. Instructions for booking an appointment and accessing a tutoring session can be found here. All scheduled sessions will be held on Elon time (EDT) regardless of where the tutor and tutee are located.
Will online tutoring be available for all courses/disciplines? While we hope to provide assistance in every subject/discipline that was supported before the transition to online instruction, there may be instances when we can’t meet this goal due to lack of internet access or insufficient bandwidth. We will do our best to satisfy the needs of all students, but we ask for your understanding if we can’t offer a service due to circumstances beyond our control.